Chapter One : Introduction to Creative Studies
Creative Studies Image.

Reflections on Lessons Learned.
Generally, based on what I have learned during last week class, ' Creative Studies ' was rather informative and knowledgeable to the societies nowadays. For example, I now have a better understanding of the meaning ' Creative Studies ' than before. Before I took the ' Creative Studies ' class, I though that ' Creative Studies ' was just something that have to do with enhancing the students to think creatively or out of the box. Hence resulting the students to come out with brand new ideas or inventions for their later studies in the upper years as well as for their career in the near future. However, it is proven that I was only half right about the definition of the term ' Creative Studies '. According to what I have learned based on what the lecturer has explained to us in class, the exact meaning of the term was that ' Creative Studies ' actually help us to develop the ability of identifying an issue or topic which will usually end up resulting in a unique personal statement. In addition, ' Creative Studies ' assist us to have a better understanding of what is creative thinking and what is the problem solving methods at the same time as well. Last but not least, it also enhances us to demonstrate how design nowadays have been influenced by the society, culture and the environment other than discussing this issue based on personal beliefs and values.
Expectations from the Class.
I hope that from MLC 0113, Creative Studies class, I could learn a lot of new things both from the lecturers as well as from my own classmates no matter from which countries they come from or what languages they are using to interact with one another based on their daily life experience. Another expectation that I wish I could achieve from the class is to make new friends and help each other when either of us are facing problems in understanding and following the lessons regardless whether it is lecture notes that were being explained by the lecturers during the class or is it an assignment which was given to us by the lecturers to be completed within a certain period of time. Besides that, I also wish that we could cooperate with one another and work as a team during good and bad times. As a conclusion, I also hope to have good time and enjoy studying the course in addition to passing this subject with flying colors.
What You Would Like to Learn From the Class.
Actually, there are several things that I wish to learn from the MLC0113, Creative Studies class and one of them is that I hope that I could think more creatively than before. Perhaps I might be able to think and develop new ways of using something old for a new purpose. For instance, people nowadays use a cardboard box to fill things such as used items, food items as well as clothings. So in the near future, maybe the society may be able to use the cardboard box for other purposes such as making a cardboard go cart car, cardboard building for children role play or as an umbrella on a rainy day. Another thing that I would like to learn from the class is to gain more as well as new knowledge on the subject matter. For example, all this while I did not really understand what is Creative Studies. At first, I thought it is a subject which will only enhance us to think creatively and produce something new in different ways than how it is usually being used by the society nowadays. However, it is proven wrong. This is because the course does not only enhances the students to think creatively but it also enhances them to understand the theory of how to be an imaginative persons so that they can produce a better quality of varied products in the near future.
Quote of the Week.
" Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." - Scott Adams Quotes -
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