Chapter Two : Defining Creativity
Creative Image of My Friend.

Creative image of my friend, Ali Amir Razali.
Description of My Friends Creative Image.
First of all, before I explain further about the creative image which I have decided to upload on my blog website for the purpose of this assignment besides other personal reasons, I want to thank Ali Amir bin Razali who is my best friend since my high school days for allowing me to use and edit his personal photo using Adobe Photoshop in order to produce one unique image of him to be shown to the general public globally through my blog page in blogger generally. Frankly speaking, the image which I have uploaded on my blogger website above is actually not that really new at all. We personally did it in August 2009 to celebrate Malaysia's 52th National Independence day and we edited the picture based on last year Malaysia's National Independence day theme which was' One Malaysia '. The main reason that I chose to use this image is due to the fact that in my opinion it is one of a few successful images that I have edited using Adobe Photoshop. Therefore in my opinion, it is best for me to share my knowledge of using Adobe Photoshop with my friends as well as to promote my end result with the society globally. Another reason why I chose to use the creative image above is because when we edited the image last year, one thing that comes to our mind was to inculcate the spirit of nationalism among the population throughout the world especially among the teenagers and children. This is because as far as I am concerned, though our country has been set free by the British government since 1957, still there are people among us Malaysian's who do not really understand the true meaning of independence.
Experience of Making My Friends Creative Image.
Based on my several years of experience using Adobe Photoshop for the purpose of editing images, I can personally conclude that editing a certain image in order to produce a good quality image is actually not an easy job to be done by any individual within a certain period of time. This is due to the reason that, first, in order to produce a good quality image, an individual requires several hours or maybe days in order to produce one creative image, which usually include a few completed steps that need to be done before getting the end result. These completed steps include cropping, trimming, adding text on the image as apart of the image actual design, changing the image background color, applying special effects on the image as well as changing the image hue and saturation color too. In this case, it took us as a team about three and a half day to edit, crop, trim and change the image hue and saturation color in order to get the end result that you are seeing right now. Though it was a long time and an exhausting, we really enjoyed doing it and we are satisfied with our hard work editing the image to look good. Besides that, we learned a lot from one another about Adobe Photoshop which at the same time benefited us both. Some of the stuff which I have learned from my friend, Ali Amir Razali, includes changing the image hue and saturation, changing the image brightness, adding some effect to the image as well as adding text to the image which before this I am not that really good at. Therefore as a conclusion, I can say that doing this assignment is a really good experience for us both and we hope we will edit more images using Adobe Photoshop in the near future.
Expressions of Making My Friends Creative Image.
Generally, I truly enjoyed doing this assignment. This is due to the fact that although it took me and my friend such a long time to fully edit a single image in order to produce one end product of a creative image, finally we really do feel satisfied with our own artwork. In addition, I am happy making my friend since it is my first image which I have edited nicely with my friend and at the same time it is also my first image that I did for someone else besides myself. Besides that, in my opinion it is rather hard to edit other people's image compared to your own image because we cannot really edit it as we like. Sometimes we need to edit the image based on the person's taste or need which sometimes conflict with what we thought of doing at first which in my opinion makes this work even more dull and uninteresting than before.
Reflections on Lessons Learned.
Basically, based on what I have learned for this week, Creative Studies class, I found out that this week topic is rather more interesting compared to last week issue which was basically all about what is Creative Studies and its criteria. According to what the lecturer told us, creativity does not really mean that we as a creative multimedia student should try to think and invent something that is totally new to the society. Actually it can be something which have existed for such a long time among us but now it is being used for some new purposes which we as a human being never thought of before. For instance, people usually use a long stick pole to get something which was being placed high above their head due to a number of reasons such as their physical height which prevent them from reaching it. However, instead of using a long stick pole, we can now use the pole for other uses for example as a music instrument, to lock the door by barricading it into a hole or even as a weapon to protect ourselves from any harm from our surroundings. Another topic which was being discussed by the lecturer during the Creative Studies class include the myth of creativity. In this topic, the lecturer explained about the theory what the society think about being creative. Based on what I understand, the society nowadays only make simple conclusions such as creativity is hard to be achieved because they have set their mind that they are not creative and only talented people are born creative. On the other hand, I personally feel that creativity is not difficult to be achieved. It is just matter of how hard does an individual thinks or works in order to be creative and it is a matter of practice. If the individual really set his mind to be a creative person, for sure he will struggle until the eleventh hour to achieved that specific objective which he has set his mind. In this case, it is how to become a creative person in the future.
Quote of the Week.
" Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts. And never hope more than your work." - Rita Mae Brown Quotes -
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