Chapter Three : Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention.
Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention Image.

Reflections on Lessons Learned.
Generally, although this weeks topic which was about ' Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention ' in my opinion it is a complicated matter to be understood by someone new in this field, however I still found that the topic was rather a good issue to be discussed by the societies nowadays. This is because not all people in the society really care what is happening around them and the topic which was being discussed by the lecturer in class was also quiet informative and knowledgeable. On the other hand, the lecturer told us that we, the creative multimedia art students are actually creative and we will become media designer when we graduate from the university. He also explained that to be a creative student, it does not mean that we have to come out with brand new ideas or inventions to benefit the society but instead, we can reinvent or use the existing and old media for some new purposes. For instance, the lecturer used light bulb to brief us more thoroughly about being creative so that we have a better understanding about the terminology. He said that although light bulb is an old invention which was being invented by Thomas Edison, some people have come out with new ideas on how to improve the quality of this specific invention. These new inventions include the development of fluorescent light bulb as well as the energy saving light bulb which are being used by people nowadays especially in their homes and offices. In this regard, another example used by the lecturer is newspaper which was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. In addition, based on what I understand from the lecturer's clarification, we as a creative multimedia art student should try to think and come out with new ideas on how to produce a more interesting looking newspaper than what we have presently besides other than to increase the number of readers at the same time. Some of the ideas that the lecturer has asked us to think about include using creative images regarding the issue that is being discussed and using an interesting font style as well as specific font size so that everyone will be able to read the text which has been written by the author regardless of how old they are at that specific period of time.
Definition of Novelty.
To tell you the truth, before this lecture was delivered to us by Mr. Mustafa, I do not have any idea what novelty is all about. However, later on I understand that the term ' novelty ' is actually the quality of producing something new in different ways than the normal way it is being used by the society or in other words ' new inventions '. I also understand that it is a term ' novelty ' which was derived from the Latin word ' novus ' which meant the quality of being new. Although it may be said to have an objective dimension, however it essentially exists in the subjective perceptions of each and every individuals. I also understand that ' novelty ' can be divided into two minor categories which is the ' subjective novelty ' and the ' objective novelty '. The difference which I think was obvious regarding the two categories of novelty was that the ' subjective novelty ' was rather an appreciation of something as being new towards an individual or a group of people. This means that, it may be something that has existed for centuries but we now reinvent it for different purposes. For instance, in the olden era, the society used telephone which was invented by Alexander Graham Bell as their means of communications with one another. However, nowadays there are few new technologies such as mobile phones and the ' World Wide Web ', which have been invented by large companies to make people life a lot simpler and relaxing. The ' objective novelty ' on the other hand, is something which is fully new to the users or societies whether in the era of its development or in the era afterwards.
Definition of Innovation.
Frankly speaking, based on what I understand from this week Creative Studies class, the term ' innovation ' is a process which is being conducted by a group of people in a specific period of time in order to make an improvement towards current technologies which are available to the general public globally. This improvement could then be done by introducing something which is new in terms of the social context. This improvement must meet a few criteria which are considered important in order for it to be accepted fully completely by the society nowadays and after on. These criteria include the fact that the idea or invention must have a good service so that people will want to pay for it and feel satisfied with the invention when they are purchase them. Similar to novelty, innovation can be divided into two minor categories which is the ' revolutionary innovations ' and the ' evolutionary innovations '. Some of the differences which I have detected after reading the notes and hearing the explanations given by the lecturer is that evolutionary innovation is not that independent as the revolutionary innovation. This is due to the reason that, the ' evolutionary innovation ' is basically made up of numerous incremental advances or improvement in technology compared to the ' revolutionary innovation ' which requires only one good deal of user - learning. A good example of technology which uses the ' revolutionary innovation ' system is the internet and the photocopier machine.
Quote of the Week.
" Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. " - Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes -
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